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New Holland DuraSwath™ 425 HB


DuraSwath™ 425 HB

Windrower Headers



Powerful Speedrower® SP Windrowers allow you to drive a wide variety of high-performance headers. Choose from two powerful disc headers—the Durabine™ 416 with a 16’ 1” cut, or the Durabine™ 419 with an industry-widest 19’ 4” cut. New Holland offers a large selection of draper headers—from 25 to 40 feet wide. Haybine® sicklebar headers have a legendary history of top cutting and conditioning performance, and are available with a 14, 16 or 18foot cut.

Model DuraSwath™ 425 HB
Header drive  
Cutting width ft. in. (m) 16’ 1” (4.9)
Overall width ft. in. (m) 16' 4" (4956)
Approximate weight lbs. (kg) 4700 (2132)
Versions available -
Windrow/swath width in. (mm) -
Cutterbar type 10-disc modular disc cutterbar, 2500-rpm max disc speed
Knives 20 reversible, swing-away knives (2 per disc)
Knife speed 181-mph(291-kph) knife tip speed
Sickle stroke in. (mm) -
Flotation Hydraulic adjustment from windrower cab
Cutting angle and height, degrees, in (m) Standard hydraulic control, from 0 to -10 degrees / 0.7 to 3.5 (18 to 89 with standard skid shoes*
Header ground clearance - bottom of skid shoes in. (mm) 27 (686)*
Reel Choices (SF = steel fingers, PF = plastic fingers) -
Speed range rpm -
Drive -
Raptor Draper Belts  
Belt width and construction -
Belt/roller guide design -
Roller design -
Speed range ft. (m) -
Cleat design and height in. (mm) -
Chaff barrier seal design -
Belt angle degrees (@minimum cutterbar tilt) -
Type Floating
Maximum diameter in. (mm) 20 (508)
Flighting depth in. (mm) 7 (178)
Conditioner (Rolls)  
Type -
Length in. (m) -
Roll speed rpm -
Roll pressure -
Roll gap -
Conditioner (Flails)  
Length in. (m) -
Speed rpm -
Hood position -

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